Gnostic Theolalites have been signing up to BE
THE SOLUTION Movement in massive numbers from all over the globe. To keep
you all informed I thought I would do a few interesting stats for you.
Leading the way - most signers, by country.
Some countries that have yet to sign which are surprising!
Some countries that have signed in small amounts which are surprising.
Some countries that have signed but it would be expected that more would
sign from there.
- New Zealand
- South Africa
- Canada
Complete list of countries that have signed so far.
- Argentina
- Australia
- Belgium
- Brazil
- Canada
- Chile
- Costa Rica
- Dubai
- Egypt
- Finland
- Germany
- Greece
- Hawaii
- India
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Jamaica
- Lebanon
- Malaysia
- Mexico
- New Zealand
- Nigeria
- Norway
- Pakistan
- Philippines
- Portugal
- Serbia
- Singapore
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- South Africa
- Tenerife
- The Netherlands
- Turkey
- UK
- Ukraine
So what can we learn from these stats?
If you live in one of the countries that has low a sign up rate, then do
your best to spread the word by using the resources on the web site.
If you know someone from one of the countries that hasn't yet signed,
then send the details to them and tell them they could be the first.
Whatever country you come from, just keep spreading the joy and getting
the word out there.
Remember all Gnostic Theolalites reading this - please send in as many
photos of you as possible holding up a white piece of paper or card, the
photo in landscape format, for our Be The Solution video. We will place
the Be The Solution logo on to the card and put it in the video to show
as many of us as possible all over the world. Of course you can print
out the logo yourself, but this is to make it easier for you.